PC Galore

My first day of work was really awesome (it was last Monday the 14th, I’m behind in my posts).

I got a PC laptop + monitor and a Blackberry.  I have to admit, I was really excited because I’ve never had a job that’s provided me with my own laptop and Blackberry.  I had an orientation meeting and my new manager, TM, took me around the office, from cubicle to cubicle, and introduced me to everyone I needed to know, and then some.

As I mentioned before, I was secretly excited about getting a Blackberry but I kept my enthusiasm under wraps, waited til the end of the day to open the box, and just acted like I expected all of it since everyone gets things like that in the corporate world.  Mind you, I was excited specifically about getting the Blackberry, not the actual Blackberry, itself.  The principle of it.

How does Blackberry stay in business?  They gave me a Curve and it sucks. My first smart phone was the iPhone 3G and I got it right before I started business school in 2008.  I upgraded to a 4 last December.  Although there are things I dislike about it, it’s still super awesome in other ways and I can officially and rightfully say that the Blackberry certainly is crappy.  Everything about it.  The keys, the screen, the layout, the appearance.  I don’t like it, I don’t know how to use it and fumble with it all the time.  As of now, I only have the email set up — no numbers or anything else.  I think I got one mistake text last week and that’s all for the texts.  God, I can’t imagine having to text back and forth with someone on that stupid Blackberry and plastic keys.  And, I suppose I should eventually program my group’s names and numbers in it.  I can’t even remember my own phone number.

Also before business school, I starting using Macs again and got a Macbook Pro (it’s a little old now, though).  Switching back to a PC has been a little awkward — I’m getting familiar again with it all.  I’ve been getting reacquainted with Internet Explorer, too, because none of my company’s intranet sites work on any other browser.  ARGH.  It keeps closing unexpectedly.  Typical.

I guess I’ll be a switch hitter:  Mac at home, PC at work:

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